Pastern Strap & Tension Strap Length Guides June 18, 2020 For best longevity and durability of the hook and loop material, keep straps clean, free of debris, and in good condition, and wash frequently after use. Each strap includes rubber...
Changing a cable on your Renegade hoof boots June 11, 2020 This handy video shows step by step how to replace a cable on a Renegade® Viper® hoof boot as well as the tools needed to replace a cable. Step-by-step to...
Adjusting the cables of your Renegade hoof boot June 11, 2020 This is the step by step guide on how to adjust a cable on a Renegade® Viper® hoof boot. If you need to fully replace a cable please click here for the...
The Renegade® hoof boot Advantage July 10, 2019 The magic is in the heel captivator; the PIVOT™ hoof boot is guaranteed not to rub! Pivoted heel captivator design eliminates rubbing. Won't rub the fetlock and heel bulb. Guaranteed!...
What are horse boots, or hoof boots anyway? June 13, 2016 Hoof boots are a type of footwear that are designed to be worn by barefoot horses. They should be simple to put on and easy to take off, yet stay...
Installing Renegade Pro-Comp Glue On Shells June 11, 2010 Here are two videos which talk you through the process of installing Pro-Comp Glue On Renegades.